The RAYSTAT-ECO-10 temperature controller is designed to control heating cables used for frost protection applications. It continuously adjusts the heat-tracing output based on the ambient temperature. Using a proprietary algorithm, the RAYSTATECO- 10 controller measures ambient temperature and determines the appropriate cycle time during which the heating cables will be energised. Since ambient temperatures in winter are often below freezing point, but well above the minimum designed ambient temperature, significant energy savings are realised. Parameters are displayed and can be set easily. The controller includes a 25 A relay which allows direct switching of the heating circuit. The enclosure can easily be installed outdoors. The unit includes a Pt 100 sensor for determining ambient temperature in ordinary area.

The RAYSTAT-ECO-10 controller is designed to provide trouble-free, long term operation. In addition to the display, the controller includes an alarm relay that switches either upon low supply voltage, upon output fault or upon RTD failure thus allowing remote indication of system status.